"...Opportunity looks a lot like hard work" - Ashton Kutcher 2013, Teen Choice Awards Speech
I know, who quotes Ashton Kutcher in 2021? Well, I do. That is right, 34 year old me is quoting Ashton Kutcher from a Nickelodeon teen choice awards speech that he gave in 2013.
In 2013 I was a 27 year old who had nothing but ambition, dreams, and bills to pay. And, I remember watching this speech on Youtube after it aired and thinking to myself "this is what every teenager needs to hear"; this is the truth about the world we live in and it has been spoken by the most unlikely celebrity.
Nearly a decade later I have taken the speech that Ashton gave and I have decided to use it as the benchmark in discussing how you, the person reading this post, can go from an employee at an insurance agency to a successful agency owner in a relatively short amount of time.
Watch the full speech using this link: HERE
This is the only question that should matter as you begin your journey down the road to independence. Trust me, if you are not committed to being an agency owner then this is not the road you want to travel. Harsh, I know, but it has to be said. Unfortunately, being the boss is not for everyone. EIA looks to simplify the process as much as possible and provide you the opportunity to succeed. This opportunity comes with technology advancements to skip you years ahead of your competition. The opportunity given by EIA includes training and education. However, opportunity looks a lot like hard work.
"... I've never had a job in my life that I was better than." - Ashton Kutcher
When you decide to open your own insurance agency you have to do the work. You have to put in the effort to make your phone ring, you have to close the sale, and you have to make sure you stay active in your local community.
EIA makes this easier by giving you a personalized website, lead capture forms, lead purchasing discounts, and social media management software. But, at the end of the day, you still have to put in the work and make an effort.
Look at where you are now and think to yourself, "do i have the experience to take my life to the next level?" If so, then the EIA opportunity may be right for you.
"...every job that I had was a stepping stone to my next job..." - Ashton Kutcher
Yes; you absolutely can make a living working from home using our platform. The opportunity to be a part of our platform and receive the benefits from the platform still come with what looks like work.
Are you looking to quit your job today? Are you looking to supplement your income? Are you looking to use EIA to solve a problem with carrier placement? These are all questions that should be addressed, answered, and thought out before you sign up for the platform.
"..I never quit my job until I had my next job and so opportunities look a lot like work." - Ashton Kutcher
If you are looking for an opportunity that can help you work from home, be your own boss, and achieve financial freedom in 2021 then EIA is the opportunity you have been looking for. But, now that you have found the opportunity you have to put in the work and make the effort.
“When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money." - Steve Jobs via Ashton Kutcher
Sometimes you have to look at what you are doing for a living and realize that this was not the way the system was designed. Insurance is one of those examples. Insurance and insurance agency design was never intended to create generationally wealthy agency owners that corner the market in small cities and town across the nation. Insurance was designed to protect financial futures of citizens and licenses were established to ensure that you have your client's best interest in mind.
Looking at this, the best interest of our clients are often not what we can offer when we are captive with an agency or competing for agency bonuses against our co-workers.
"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it… Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.” - Steve Jobs via Ashton Kutcher
100% of your effort is needed if you want to succeed on the EIA Platform™; not 100% of your time. We find that agents have a hard time distinguishing between the two. With EIA you are free to sell as much or as little as you want. The more you sell the more money you make and the more freedom you can achieve.
So, When it comes to success as measured on the EIA platform make sure you give 100% of your effort. Maybe you only want to do this part time or semi-part time. Maybe You only want to use the platform for non-standard auto. Maybe you even only want to offer renters policies through the platform; whatever your goal is, just make sure you give 100% of effort every time.
If you are asking this question then maybe the EIA platform is not for you. We are disrupting the industry and empowering producers, sales professionals, and servicing staff. We are making changes to the industry standards and setting the bar so high that we can revolutionize how careers are made.
However, we do help. We do provide tools, tips, and training to every licensed producer on our platform. Plus we provide open to the public free training too. CLICK HERE to learn more about this months training. We have walk through videos in our FAQ section and we even dedicate a team to social media management to help you grow and maintain successful social relationships with potential clients.
EIA is offering you the opportunity to build a book a business, to build a career, and to build a life. P&C insurance is a long-term "game" and EIA has taken decades of experience and combined it into a one-stop-shop agency ownership program that you can access.
"... build a life - don't live one, build one - find your opportunity..." - Ashton Kutcher
You can find the Ashton Kutcher full speech video with this link: HERE
You can watch the video here on our page and take a moment to listen to the video before you pass judgment for me using Ashton Kutcher as a reference for this blog post.
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