EIA has partnered with Integrity Marketing Group and Goldencare to offer a referral program to EIA agents for the Medicare and Long Term Care (LTC) needs of their clients.
Longevity with Integrity Marketing Group LTC
The Longevity program allows you to be the insurance generalist for your customers and leverage a specialist for these highly regulated products. The program has the following main benefits
The need for education about longevity planning has NEVER been greater
You don’t have to become a Longevity Planning Specialist
No Carrier Contracts, Product Certifications, Licensing, Annual Partnership Training, State DOI Appointments, etc.
Our Specialists Work Directly With Your Referrals – Increasing Number of Successful Outcomes
Gender, Age, Health, Resources, and Individual Needs Determine Unbiased Recommendation
Set Group of Longevity Planning Products – NO Cross-Selling or List-Sharing Commitment
Service & Privacy – Permanent Notes of Each Client Kept in Our Secure CRM
Fiduciary Responsibility Met By Having Necessary Longevity Planning Conversation
Agent/Advisor Liability Covered with Referral Communication Letter – Regardless if Product Placed
Enjoy Generous Referral Fees While You Sleep, Play or Work on Other Priorities. See referral compensation by clicking on this link
Marketing pieces to provide to your clients
Medicare with Goldencare
The Medicare program allows you to be the insurance generalist for your customers and leverage a specialist for these highly regulated products.
Medicare Advantage referral compensation is $75 first year and $25 renewal per sale
Medicare Supplement referral compensation is 20% of the gross commission first year and 10% of the gross commission in renewal years 2-5
Both of the above are now options which will be turned on for you this week. You can see the example at www.4EIA.com (Longevity or Medicare product tiles). You can turn off these and other product tiles in your .4EIA.com website's backoffice.